This simple guideline with show you how to make pork meatball soup in an easy way. Pork meatball soup is a typical dish of Vietnamese home-meals.
200 g pork shoulder
60 g uncooked pork paste
10 g translucent noodle
5 g field mushroom (agaric)
200 g pig bones
To taste: Spring onion, coriander, ground pepper, fish sauce.
1. Wash and mince pork shoulder. Soak translucent noodles and mushroom in water; wash and finely chop. Wash and finely chop spring onion; mix with uncooked pork paste, pork, noodle, mushroom, seasoning, ground pepper and fish sauce; shape into meatball about the size of an apple, and steam until done.
2. Wash and cut pig bones into pieces; parboil in a stockpot; quickly scrub the stockpot clean; wash the bones again; return the bones to the pot; pour in water, and simmer; season to taste.
3. Put the meatballs onto a bowl; pour the broth on top; scatter with finely-chopped coriander and spring onion, and pepper.