Right in the Nation’s capital, sometime size really does matter if you don’t want to get stuck in a super tiny hidden Hanoi’s alley.

On Hang Thiec street, located in the heart of Old Quarter are two small alleys running parallel.

These alleys were built by own of this tube house years ago to provide entrance way for their children.

With the widest point is 60 centimeters only, an alley on Hang Dieu street is not ready to welcome some big people.

Even pulling a 40-centimeter cabinet down the alley is tricky.

Another narrow alley in Hang Bong street. But people living here still fell lucky enough because their motorbike at least can fit the alley.

This alley on Hang Dau street is recognized as the smallest one in Hanoi with it’s wide of 40 centimeters only.

In the ends of this alley is a 10 square meters yard shared by few families to use as kitchen.

A tiny restaurant inside a small alley.
(Read more: Hanoi Old Quarter)