This simple guideline with show you how to make chicken porridge in an easy way. Chicken porridge is a popular and nutritious breakfast in Vietnam.
1000 g chicken (1 pullet)
150 g ordinary rice (high quality), washed
100 g sticky rice, washed
300 g pig bone
To taste: Spring onion, coriander, lemon leaves, seasoning (which consists largely of salt and MSG), pepper.
1. Wash the chicken well before boiling in water; when cooked, remove from the stock; cut the meat off the bone and shred. Wash and parboil pig bones; wash the bones again and add to chicken stock along with chicken bones; simmer to make the broth.
2. Mix ordinary rice with sticky rice before putting in the broth; when the porridge is cooked, season to taste.
3. Wash and finely chop spring onion; wash and cut lemon leaves into long, thin strips; wash and roughly chop coriander.
4. Place spring onion on the bottom of bowl; ladle porridge into the bowl; place chicken on top; scatter with pepper, coriander and lemon leaves. Serve hot.
(Read more: How to make Bun Cha)